Top Final Expense Insurance Companies for Seniors: A Comprehensive Guide


Key Takeaways

  • Final expense insurance is a specialized whole life insurance policy designed to cover end-of-life expenses.

  • Policies typically offer coverage between $2,000 and $50,000, with simplified underwriting and often no medical exam required.

  • Final expense insurance can provide peace of mind and financial protection for seniors and their families.

  • Alternatives to final expense insurance include pre-need insurance, traditional life insurance, savings accounts, and government benefits.

  • When choosing a policy, consider factors such as coverage amount, premiums, company reputation, and your individual needs.

In today's uncertain world, planning for the future has never been more critical. As we age, one of the most important considerations is how to ensure our loved ones are not burdened with the financial responsibilities that come with end-of-life expenses. This is where final expense insurance comes into play, offering a safety net for seniors and their families. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the ins and outs of final expense insurance, helping you make an informed decision about this crucial financial tool.

What is Final Expense Life Insurance?

Final expense life insurance, also known as burial insurance or funeral insurance, is a specialized type of whole life insurance policy designed to cover end-of-life expenses. These can include funeral costs, medical bills, and other outstanding debts that might be left behind when a person passes away.

A final expense policy is designed to be affordable and accessible, especially for older adults seeking coverage for funeral and other end-of-life expenses.

Unlike traditional life insurance policies that often provide substantial payouts to support a family's long-term financial needs, final expense insurance focuses on covering the immediate costs associated with death. This makes it an attractive option for seniors who want to ensure their loved ones are not burdened with these expenses during an already difficult time.

Key features of final expense life insurance include:

  • Smaller coverage amounts, typically ranging from $2,000 to $50,000

  • Simplified underwriting process, often requiring no medical exam

  • Guaranteed payout to beneficiaries upon the policyholder's death

  • Permanent coverage that lasts for the insured's entire lifetime

How Final Expense Insurance Works

Final expense insurance operates as a type of permanent life insurance, providing lifelong coverage as long as premiums are paid. Here'’s a breakdown of how it typically works:

  1. Policy Purchase: The insured person (usually a senior) purchases a policy from an insurance company, selecting a coverage amount that aligns with their anticipated final expenses. Life insurance companies offer final expense policies with varying coverage amounts and underwriting practices, making it important to compare options.

  2. Premium Payments: The policyholder pays fixed premiums, which are generally lower than those for traditional whole life insurance due to the smaller coverage amounts.

  3. Coverage Period: The policy remains in force for the insured's entire lifetime, as long as premiums are paid.

  4. Cash Value Accumulation: Over time, the policy builds cash value, which can be borrowed against if needed.

  5. Death Benefit: Upon the insured's passing, the policy pays out the death benefit to the designated beneficiaries.

  6. Expense Coverage: Beneficiaries can use the payout to cover funeral costs, medical bills, and other final expenses as they see fit.

Benefits and Features of Final Expense Insurance

Final expense insurance offers several unique benefits that make it an attractive option for seniors:

  1. Guaranteed Protection: As long as premiums are paid, the policy provides lifelong coverage, ensuring that funds will be available when needed.

  2. Level Premiums: Premiums remain constant throughout the life of the policy, making it easier for seniors on fixed incomes to budget.

  3. Cash Value Growth: The policy accumulates cash value over time, which can be borrowed against or used as collateral for a loan if needed.

  4. Flexible Use of Funds: While primarily intended for final expenses, beneficiaries can use the death benefit for any purpose, providing financial flexibility during a difficult time.

  5. Quick Approval: With simplified underwriting, policies can often be approved within days for applicants between 50 and 85 years old.

  6. No Medical Exam: Many final expense policies don't require a medical exam, making it easier for seniors with health issues to obtain coverage.

Do You Need Final Expense Insurance?

Determining whether you need final expense insurance depends on your individual circumstances. Consider the following factors:

  • Existing Savings and Investments: If you have substantial savings or investments that could cover your final expenses, you may not need additional insurance.

  • Current Life Insurance Coverage: If you already have a life insurance policy with sufficient coverage, it may be adequate to handle final expenses.

  • Financial Situation of Beneficiaries: Consider whether your loved ones would be able to easily cover your final expenses without financial strain.

  • Desire for Peace of Mind: Even if you have other resources, you may want the assurance that specific funds are set aside for your final expenses.

  • Health Conditions: If health issues make it difficult to qualify for traditional life insurance, final expense insurance may be a good alternative.

Expense Insurance

When discussing expense insurance, it's important to understand that this term can encompass various types of coverage. In the context of final expense insurance, it specifically refers to policies designed to cover end-of-life costs. However, expense insurance can also include:

  1. Health Expense Insurance: Covers medical costs not typically included in standard health insurance plans.

  2. Business Expense Insurance: Protects businesses from unexpected costs or loss of income.

  3. Travel Expense Insurance: Covers unforeseen expenses that may occur during travel.

Final expense insurance stands out in this category due to its specific focus on end-of-life costs and its tailored approach for seniors. It provides a crucial financial safety net during a time when families are dealing with the emotional stress of losing a loved one.

Pros and Cons of Final Expense Insurance

As with any financial product, final expense insurance has its advantages and disadvantages. Let's explore these to help you make an informed decision:


  1. Affordability: Policies are generally more affordable than traditional whole life insurance due to lower coverage amounts.

  2. Easy Qualification: With simplified underwriting and often no medical exam required, it's easier for seniors to qualify, even with pre-existing health conditions.

  3. Stable Premiums: Premiums remain constant throughout the life of the policy, providing predictability for budgeting.

  4. Guaranteed Coverage: As long as premiums are paid, the policy remains in force for life, and the death benefit can't be decreased unless you borrow against the cash value.

  5. Quick Payout: Beneficiaries typically receive the death benefit quickly, helping to cover immediate expenses.


  1. Limited Coverage: Policy face amounts are generally lower than other types of life insurance, which may not be sufficient for all needs.

  2. Potentially Higher Cost per $1,000 of Coverage: Due to the easy health qualification, the cost per $1,000 of coverage can be higher than with traditional policies.

  3. Potential for Misleading Information: Some insurers may provide incomplete or misleading information, making it crucial to carefully research and compare options.

  4. May Be Unnecessary: If you have sufficient savings or other life insurance coverage, final expense insurance may be redundant.

Life Insurance Policy

A life insurance policy is a contract between an individual and an insurance company, where the insurer promises to pay a designated beneficiary a sum of money upon the death of the insured person. There are several types of life insurance policies, each serving different needs and financial goals:

  1. Term Life Insurance: Provides coverage for a specific period (e.g., 10, 20, or 30 years) and pays out only if the insured dies during that term.

  2. Whole Life Insurance: Offers lifelong coverage with a savings component (cash value) that grows over time.

  3. Universal Life Insurance: Provides flexibility in premium payments and death benefits, along with a cash value component.

  4. Variable Life Insurance: Allows policyholders to invest the cash value portion in various investment options.

  5. Final Expense Insurance: A specialized form of whole life insurance designed to cover end-of-life expenses.

When considering a life insurance policy, it's essential to evaluate your specific needs, financial situation, and long-term goals. Each type of policy has its own set of benefits and considerations, making it crucial to choose the one that aligns best with your circumstances.

Costs and Premiums

The cost of final expense insurance cost can vary significantly based on several factors:

  • Age: Generally, the older you are when you purchase the policy, the higher the premiums will be.

  • Gender: Women typically pay lower premiums than men due to longer life expectancy.

  • Health: While many policies don't require a medical exam, your health history can still affect your premiums.

  • Coverage Amount: Higher coverage limits result in higher premiums.

  • Insurance Company: Rates can vary between insurers, making it important to compare quotes.

On average, premiums for final expense insurance can range from $50 to $128 per month for a 65-year-old woman, depending on the coverage amount and the insurer. Coverage limits typically range from $10,000 to $25,000, though some policies may offer higher amounts.

It's important to note that while final expense insurance premiums may seem higher than term life insurance when compared dollar-for-dollar, the guaranteed acceptance and lifelong coverage often justify the cost for many seniors.

Applying for Final Expense Insurance

The application process for final expense insurance is generally straightforward and less invasive than traditional life insurance. Here's what you can expect:

  1. Initial Inquiry: Contact an insurance company or agent to express interest in a policy.

  2. Health Questionnaire: Answer basic health questions. Many policies have simplified underwriting, meaning no medical exam is required.

  3. Personal Information: Provide details such as age, gender, and lifestyle habits.

  4. Coverage Selection: Choose your desired coverage amount and any additional riders.

  5. Application Submission: Submit your completed application, which may be done online, by phone, or through an agent.

  6. Review and Approval: The insurance company reviews your application. Approval can often be granted within days.

  7. Policy Issuance: Once approved, you'll receive your policy documents. Be sure to review them carefully and keep them in a safe place.

Remember, honesty is crucial when answering health questions. Providing false information could result in the policy being voided or a claim being denied in the future.

Life Insurance Policies

Life insurance policies come in various forms, each designed to meet different needs and financial goals. Understanding the different types can help you choose the best option for your situation:

  1. Term Life Insurance:

    • Provides coverage for a specific period (term)

    • Generally offers the highest coverage amount for the lowest initial premium

    • No cash value accumulation

    • Ideal for temporary needs or when budget is a primary concern

  2. Whole Life Insurance:

    • Offers lifelong coverage

    • Builds cash value over time

    • Premiums remain level throughout the policy

    • Suitable for long-term financial planning and estate planning

  3. Universal Life Insurance:

    • Provides flexibility in premium payments and death benefits

    • Builds cash value that can earn interest

    • Allows for adjustments to coverage and premiums over time

    • Good for those who want lifelong coverage with more flexibility than whole life

  4. Variable Life Insurance:

    • Offers lifelong coverage with an investment component

    • Cash value can be invested in various sub-accounts

    • Potential for higher returns, but also carries investment risk

    • Suitable for those comfortable with market fluctuations

  5. Final Expense Insurance:

    • A type of whole life insurance with smaller coverage amounts

    • Designed specifically to cover end-of-life expenses

    • Often has simplified underwriting and no medical exam

    • Ideal for seniors looking to cover funeral costs and other final expenses

When comparing life insurance policies, consider factors such as:

  • Your current age and health status

  • Your financial obligations and goals

  • The length of time you need coverage

  • Your budget for premiums

  • Whether you want a policy with cash value accumulation

Remember, the best life insurance policy for you will depend on your individual circumstances, financial situation, and long-term objectives.

Choosing a Life Insurance Policy

Selecting the right life insurance policy is a crucial decision that requires careful consideration. Here are some steps to help you choose the best policy for your needs:

  1. Assess Your Needs:

    • Consider your current financial situation

    • Evaluate your long-term financial goals

    • Think about your dependents and their future needs

  2. Determine the Coverage Amount:

    • Calculate your current debts and financial obligations

    • Consider future expenses (e.g., children's education, mortgage)

    • For final expense insurance, add up anticipated funeral costs and other end-of-life expenses

  3. Evaluate Policy Types:

    • Compare term, whole life, universal life, and final expense insurance

    • Consider the pros and cons of each type in relation to your needs

  4. Compare Insurers:

    • Research the financial strength and reputation of insurance companies

    • Look for companies with high ratings from independent agencies like A.M. Best, Moody's, or Standard & Poor's

  5. Get Multiple Quotes:

    • Obtain quotes from several insurers for the same type and amount of coverage

    • Compare premiums, policy features, and any additional benefits or riders

  6. Review Policy Details:

    • Carefully read the policy terms and conditions

    • Pay attention to exclusions, waiting periods, and any restrictions

  7. Consider Your Budget:

    • Ensure the premiums are affordable and sustainable long-term

    • Remember that the cheapest policy isn't always the best; consider value for money

  8. Seek Professional Advice:

    • Consult with a licensed insurance agent or financial advisor

    • They can help you understand complex terms and choose the best policy for your situation

  9. Review and Update Regularly:

    • Life circumstances change, so review your policy periodically

    • Update your coverage as needed to ensure it continues to meet your needs

Remember, the goal is to find a policy that provides adequate coverage at a price you can afford, from a reputable company you can trust.

Top Final Expense Insurance Companies for Seniors

When it comes to choosing a final expense insurance provider, it's essential to consider factors such as financial stability, customer service, policy options, and pricing. Here are some of the top-rated final expense insurance companies for seniors:

  1. Mutual of Omaha:

    • Well-established company with a strong financial position

    • Offers a variety of final expense insurance options

    • Known for competitive rates and good customer service

    • Provides simplified issue policies with no medical exam required

  2. Gerber Life Insurance:

    • Specializes in life insurance for seniors and children

    • Offers guaranteed acceptance policies for ages 50-80

    • Provides quick and easy application process

    • Known for its affordable premiums and flexible payment options

  3. John Hancock:

    • Reputable company with excellent financial strength ratings

    • Offers a range of final expense and traditional life insurance policies

    • Provides innovative features like the Vitality program, which rewards healthy living

    • Known for comprehensive coverage options and competitive rates

  4. Pacific Life:

    • Well-established insurer with a strong financial foundation

    • Offers a variety of life insurance products, including final expense options

    • Known for its flexible policy designs and rider options

    • Provides excellent customer service and online policy management tools

When choosing an insurance provider, it's important to compare quotes from multiple companies and carefully review policy terms and conditions. Consider factors such as:

  • Financial strength ratings from independent agencies

  • Customer reviews and satisfaction scores

  • Policy features and exclusions

  • Premium rates and payment options

  • Claims process and payout history

Remember, the best insurance company for you will depend on your individual circumstances, health status, and coverage needs.

Claims Process and Payouts

Understanding the claims process for final expense insurance is crucial, as it's during this time that your beneficiaries will need to access the policy's benefits. While each insurance company may have slightly different procedures, here's a general overview of what to expect:

  1. Notification: The beneficiary or a family member should notify the insurance company of the policyholder's death as soon as possible.

  2. Claim Initiation: Contact the insurance company or agent to start the claims process. They will guide you through the necessary steps.

  3. Documentation: The insurance company will require certain documents, typically including:

    • A certified copy of the death certificate

    • The original policy document (if available)

    • A completed claim form

    • Proof of identity for the beneficiary

  4. Claim Review: The insurance company will review the submitted documents and verify the claim's validity.

  5. Payout: Once the claim is approved, the insurance company will issue the death benefit to the beneficiary. This is usually done within a few weeks, though some companies offer expedited payouts for funeral expenses.

Tips for a Smooth Claims Process:

  • Keep policy documents in a safe, easily accessible place and inform beneficiaries of their location

  • Ensure beneficiary information is up-to-date on the policy

  • Familiarize yourself with the insurance company's claims process in advance

  • Consider working with a funeral home that can assist with the claims process

It's important to note that final expense insurance payouts are typically tax-free to the beneficiary. The funds can be used for any purpose, not just funeral expenses, providing flexibility during a difficult time.

Alternatives to Final Expense Insurance

While final expense insurance can be an excellent option for many seniors, it's not the only way to prepare for end-of-life expenses. Here are some alternatives to consider:

  1. Pre-need Insurance:

    • Offered directly by funeral homes

    • Allows you to pre-plan and pre-pay for your funeral

    • Can lock in today's prices for future services

  2. Traditional Life Insurance:

    1. Term or permanent policies with higher coverage amounts

    2. Can cover final expenses plus provide additional financial support for beneficiaries

    3. May be more cost-effective if you're in good health and qualify for standard rates

  3. Savings or Investments:

    • Setting aside money in a dedicated savings account or investment portfolio

    • Provides flexibility and potential for growth

    • Funds are accessible for other needs if circumstances change

  4. Payable-on-Death (POD) Account:

    • A bank account that transfers to a designated beneficiary upon death

    • Avoids probate process, providing quick access to funds

    • Can be used to set aside money specifically for final expenses

  5. Trusts:

    • Can be set up to cover final expenses and distribute assets

    • Offers more control over how funds are used

    • May provide tax benefits and avoid probate

  6. Government Benefits:

    • Social Security provides a small death benefit ($255 as of 2023)

    • Veterans may be eligible for burial benefits through the VA

    • Some states offer assistance programs for low-income individuals

  7. Crowdfunding:

    • Online platforms allow family and friends to contribute to funeral expenses

    • Can be set up quickly but relies on the generosity of others

    • Conclusion

Each of these alternatives has its own set of pros and cons. Consider factors such as your age, health, financial situation, and personal preferences when evaluating these options alongside final expense insurance.


Final expense insurance can provide valuable peace of mind for seniors concerned about burdening their loved ones with end-of-life expenses. Its simplified underwriting process, guaranteed acceptance options, and focused coverage make it an attractive choice for many. However, it's essential to weigh the costs and benefits carefully and consider all available options.

When deciding on final expense insurance or its alternatives, consider the following:

  • Your current age and health status

  • Your financial situation and existing coverage

  • Your anticipated final expenses

  • The financial capabilities of your beneficiaries

  • Your comfort level with different financial products

Remember, the goal is to find a solution that provides adequate coverage at an affordable price, ensuring your final wishes can be carried out without placing a financial burden on your loved ones.

Ready to explore your final expense insurance options? NavaQuote is here to help you navigate the process and find the perfect policy for your needs. Our team of experienced professionals can provide personalized guidance, compare quotes from top-rated insurers, and ensure you get the coverage you deserve at a price you can afford. Don't leave your family's financial security to chance – take the first step towards peace of mind today by contacting NavaQuote for a free consultation and quote comparison.


Is final expense insurance worth it?

Final expense insurance can be worth it for individuals who want to ensure that their end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs, medical bills, and other debts, are covered without burdening their loved ones. It is a type of life insurance designed to provide a small death benefit, typically between $5,000 and $25,000, which can help cover these costs. For those without sufficient savings or other life insurance, final expense insurance can offer peace of mind and financial protection for their families.

What is the average cost of final expense insurance?

The average cost of final expense insurance varies depending on factors like age, health, and the amount of coverage. Generally, premiums range from $30 to $70 per month for a policy with a $10,000 benefit. Older individuals or those with health conditions may pay higher premiums, while younger and healthier applicants may secure lower rates.

What does the final expense insurance cover?

Final expense insurance primarily covers the costs associated with end-of-life expenses, such as funeral and burial costs, cremation, medical bills, and any remaining debts. The policy pays out a death benefit to the designated beneficiary, who can use the funds to cover these expenses. Unlike some other life insurance policies, the payout is usually intended to be used specifically for final expenses rather than long-term financial support for dependents.

How much is a $10,000 burial policy?

A $10,000 burial policy typically costs between $30 and $70 per month, depending on factors such as the insured's age, health, and the specific insurance provider. Older individuals or those with health issues may face higher premiums, while younger and healthier applicants may find more affordable rates. This type of policy is designed to cover funeral and burial expenses, providing a lump sum to the beneficiary upon the policyholder's death.